Headlines Plus App Reviews

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Love Drudge since 1998!!

I love my DrudgeReport! So glad to have it so readable on my iPhone! Greatest app download in a really loooong time.

So why is this better than a browser?

I cant find a think in this that is anything more than the browser. The older app had menus for each page of links, and was MUCH easier to use (though the links were sometimes mispointed). I have yet to figure out why I should use this instead of the browser when I have to pinch it in just to read and click.

Great Way to Get News

Curious! Where is the oversight on your site? It seems Jeeves is a little politically biased. I dont think you folks would allow derogatory comments about O or the Clintons.

Great solid app

This is the ideal way to browse drudge report. The app has low reviews not because its a bad app but because liberals hate drudge report because it contradicts their biases and shatters their fantasy world.


I find the app frustrating using my tablet / iPad. When I navigate to a story it often will fail to return me to the drudge main page. Easier to use the regular web version.

Better apps gone?

Where did all the good drudge apps disappear to?

Good and Bad

On the plus side, there is access to other news sites. On the bad side, loading takes too much time and the fonts are a throw back to 1994. Progress is not always good. Please update.

Still crashes a lot.

Disappointed to find the new app still is amateur rank. It crashes randomly every 2 or 3 minutes. I have a standard iPad with not too many apps to eat up memory, so not to blame MY equipment. This is the third, maybe 4th Drudge app Ive used, all crappy. Im giving up, going to browser access. 5star content. One star for form.

Not good

This app is awful compared to the other Drudge app I used in the past. Why did Apple take the other apps off? Everything about this app stinks. Formatting....loading...etc.Horrible....

Pay no attention

Pay no attention to Jeeves hes an idiot.

Itll have to do

I dont like the UI of this app at all. It may have been good for the website but it doesnt work for a mobile app. Instead of threatening the developer of Simply Drudge with a lawsuit, they should have offered to buy him out. That was the cleanest and easiest app to use.

Where are the others?

What happened to the other Drudge apps? Looks very much like a conspiracy to silence truth in media.

This app is terribly lacking useability

Ive tried using this app over the years and it has always disappointed me. My biggest complaint is constantly dealing with blank screens after clicking the links and having to re-load the entire app to refresh. Alternative apps have disappeared (like Simply Drudge) that were FAR SUPERIOR GUI & Useability. Ive been waiting and Im still disappointed in this "official app". Im not nitpicking either.. This app truly needs improvement still even after developer change. Its one of the only news sources I care for so I will continue clunky use with fingers crossed of future improvements (or alternatives).

Simple, Functional

This app gives you exactly what you need: a nice clean, desktop-like fitted iPad display of Drudges infamous news site. Its easy to navigate between articles and return back to the conglomerates home page.


Theres a lot of fake desperate reviews on here I bet there govn agents.

Liberals Hate Truth

Jeeves sure knows a lot about an app that he hates so much. He seems awfully bitter. Drudge is a great alternative to liberal lunacy sites like Huff Post and every other "mainstream" media outlet. Truth hurts, Jeeves. Glad you waste your time reading Drudge.

Piss Off A Liberal, Get This App.

The radical left hates anything that does not promote their narrow view of the world. The Drudge Report is a collection of links to different news sources, many that the radical left wants to keep hidden from you. Todays Major News Media is so biased that they are little more than propaganda, but with the Drudge Report you can know the other side that they refuse to report.

Still Disappointed

I keep trying this app over and over and it still can hold a candle to Simply Drudge. Was so disappointed to receive the message from Simply Drudge about their termination. Please study their app and learn from it.

Optimize for Mobile Please!

App is useless since its not optimized for mobile. Deleted right after install.


Of course, had the reviewer below read Drudge. They would know Huffington,Daily Kos,Salon,The Atlantic,Mother Jones , MSNBC are all on there. Drudge collects news - thats all. Sorry you cant handle diverse & various viewpoints.

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